How It All Started

How It All Started

Gypsabella started out as a hobby, out of pure passion and enjoyment. Never did I think Gypsabella would make it to where it is, obviously I hoped and dreamed, but if I new 3 years ago, my business would be in the position it is in at present day I don't think I would believe it. 

I have ALWAYS loved fashion, (my fashion may not have always been the best as a kid) but I have always had a passion for it, I styled things my way, whatever way that was. I sat in our hallway when I was 12 cutting fabrics up, making tops as skirts, using a needle and thread to try and stitch things together because I didn't have a sewing machine. Its something I have always loved and had an interest in. 

Now anyone who knows me, knows that before Gypsabella, I have worked in EVERY business you can think of haha! Literally though, I am not joking. I was never 100% in any job, I was never happy. I was employed by an agency the majority of the time a which is always temporary and any permanent job I did have I didn't enjoy, so left to do something else. 

In February 2018, after running Gypsabella as just a hobby, I left work to run Gypsabella full time, and put my heart and soul into it. I new that if I done this, I would be able to give 100% to my business and hopefully take it to the next level. Don't get me wrong, since I have left, I have had ups and downs. Some months / seasons have done better than others, so it has been a HUGE learning experience for me as I have no previous knowledge of how to run a business, and no one in my family runs their own business either so I have had to figure out everything myself.

It has been really hard and stressful, when I say I have gave blood, sweat and tears into my business, I really have. It has proven to be really hard to run a business, I suppose when I started this I didn't even think about the important things that come with owning a business and running it. That's why its always an ongoing learning experience.

I am at a position now where I am focusing solely on bringing out my own designs. Many of you who have followed me for years know that I have problems all the time with other businesses using my images, copying my designs etc. At the moment I buy all items from wholesalers, I don't control who they let through their doors therefore the majority of my items (currently) are not exclusive to Gypsabella. 

I am in a constant battle with girls who comment on my posts all the time, mentioning brands who sell other items cheaper etc, and I really want to come away from this. So this is the reason why I am focusing on my own designs and collections moving forward. All my own designs will be copyright protected and I will only be selling items exclusive to Gypsabella. I am hoping this will take my brand to more of a personal, exclusive level and will bring out my personality and everything that I originally wanted to do when I started the brand. It is just really hard to find a trustworthy, reliable manufacturer who will work hard with you and not go behind your back. This has been months in the making but we nearly have our first collection ready and to say I am excited is an understatement. This is the start of Gypsabella and I am more than ready for everything my brand has to come. Including A/W20 which is what I am also working on at present.  

I can't wait to share everything I have been working on with you all and thought I would write this blog so you get an insight of who I am, as I know the majority of people are always hesitant when purchasing from a small business online. 

If you would like to know anything else about me or Gypsabella just leave a comment below!

Thanks so much for reading,

Lots of Love, 

Abbie xx


  • Sharl on

    Page is fab.. all your items are always gorgeous, and your amazing! people are bound to hate now and then but I love your idea of your own collection you will kill it!! I can’t wait to get my paws on some items i always end up missing out (which am not suprised because they are amazing 😍) but u keep going and I know I don’t know you but you deserve every bit of success girl 👑

  • Jessie on

    Reading this has given me so much hope, it’s so scary when you want to just give something your all and trying to stay positive that it will all work out. I can really relate to you, I cannot seem to find a job that I love and I just don’t have the willpower to stick at something I don’t enjoy, your an inspiration to all the girls trying to make something of themselves to just do what they love the most and go for it. Your amazing and so unique I’m constantly obsessing over your outfits. I hope I get there with my new goals and reading this has pushed me to stop worrying and focus, thankyou so much you set the bar highhhh Xxx

  • Olivia on

    Abbie, I loved reading this. It’s so nice to read something personal about the face of the business. Keep smashing it, your doing amazing xx

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